Except a few ones that love winter – which is my case! – it seems most of people don’t like low temperatures. As a result of this, they can’t feel motivated to go to the gym in the winter.
To help you fight against this lazy mood I’m giving you, in my new video, some simple tips for you to keep motivated to work out, even in the winter. Have a look – and don’t forget to activate the subtitles in the Youtube’s configs!
Did you like the subject? Don’t forget to subscribe in my channel and, of course, give me some suggestions. You are very welcome!
See you in the next video! Xx and have a lovely weekend! 😉
Me chamo Marcéli Paulino, nascida em 16 de Julho de 1988, e sou bacharel em Tradução e Interpretação, curso que iniciei com 17 anos! Um pouco antes de me formar, já me interessava muito por moda e sabia que queria estudar e atuar na área. Então, assim que peguei meu diploma, foi o que fiz: procurei formações na área, que era meu sonho…