After testing Heccus and Modelling Massage treatments, it is time to check the radiofrequency body treatment at Beauty Club Santos. I’ve never heard about this before, but, once I’ve tested I liked a lot.
The radio frequency treatment works like a complement for the drainage. It is pretty good to post-surgery patients – liposuction or surgery of reduction of the stomach cases – besides it is really good for cellulite reduction and for collagen raises. The main parts of the body you might do it is in the arm – posterior area – and the inner tigh.
The machine has three controls: one that configures temperature and the other two are to make the massage. The warm one is used to get your body and subcutaneous region temperatures high, during 14 minutes (average time of each session).
First, the professional applies a gel in your skin, to make the process easier, then, the massage begins.
The areas of my body I’ve chosen to do this treatment were under the butt, my Karma forever (lol) and the tummy. The ideal is choosing a region which you are doing a regular treatment, like the Heccus or Modelling massage, for example, just to make it more emphatic and stronger.
Once this is a treatment that makes use of both sides of temperatures (high and low), the first application is made with a really warm control, in temperatures between 39ºC and 42ºC. The professional will maintain as warm as you want to. The second application is made with a cold control (as you can see in the image below).
Pictures credits: Edeli Paulino.
1. IT HURTS? No. The only thing that can happens is you feel a little bit more warm in the treated area, once it is made with heat. However, it is pretty supportable.
2. WHY THE HIGH TEMPERATURE IS USED? The heat of the controls acts in fat cells, making your metabolism faster and spreading nutrients and getting triglyceride levels lower. As a result, the volume of the treated area became smaller. This is a treatment that helps to increase the collagen production, too, a substance responsible for getting your skin more elastic.
3. WHICH ARE THE INDICATIONS? Cellulite treatment, flaccidity, post surgery cases or huge diets that may cause a big loss of muscles, such as stomach-reduction-surgery, for example. It is indicated, also, for wrinkle treatments – body and face.
4. WHICH ARE THE CONTRA INDICATIONS? The radio frequency treatment is not indicated in the thyroid gland region. It is contra indicated, also, in cases of hematomas, skin diseases, any thrombosis historical, people who make use of coagulant or corticoid medicines, thyroid out of control diseases or any use of isotretinoin medications. This treatment is contra indicated in any case of diseases which are stimulated by heat, like herpes, in the affected area. Women that make use of IUD cannot do this treatment either, in the abdominal area. Any tattooed areas or definitive make up regions are forbidden from the radio frequency machine, too, so as pregnancy cases.
5. HOW MANY SESSIONS SHOULD I DO? The ideal, to have a significative result, is doing between three and ten sessions each area of the body you want to treat. However, the number of sessions depend on how fat is the area and the response of each patient, which can change. After the end of the treatment, is indicated to made new sessions once a year, in order to maintain the good result. The estimated time of each session is between 20 and 40 minutes.
Goitacazes street, 4 – Mezzanine. Gonzaga, Santos SP.
Phone.: (13) 3385-9800
Natricia Rosa Marinho – Aestheticist and Physiotherapist
Crefito – 3 128918-F
Me chamo Marcéli Paulino, nascida em 16 de Julho de 1988, e sou bacharel em Tradução e Interpretação, curso que iniciei com 17 anos! Um pouco antes de me formar, já me interessava muito por moda e sabia que queria estudar e atuar na área. Então, assim que peguei meu diploma, foi o que fiz: procurei formações na área, que era meu sonho…