Putting on make up is really good, isn’t? At least, for those who love make up. Anyway, as great make up can be in some situations, as horrible it can also be in some others. One of those situations in which make up can be horrible is when you go to bed without removing it. That’s right!
To preserve beauty and youngness, one of the main tips given by specialists, is washing very hard your face before going to bed, to remove any kind of products or residues.
Here is a ‘top 7’ list explaining why you should adopt this beauty routine from now on. Let’s check?
Do you really want to put a face full of bacteria on your clean pillow? If you do, be sure to wash the pillow case the next day because the only thing that would be worse is to put a face full of bacteria on a pillow full of bacteria.
You’re ruining the quality of your skin by sleeping with make up on. Your skin will get dry and irritated.
If you sleep with makeup on, the skin gets dry which leads for it to crack and all the bacteria you didn’t wash off will go straight in and cause blemishes, pimples and redness.
What do you prefer: waking up with a fresh face, that has gone through a serum treatment over night, or one with 20 hours old makeup on?
It takes a maximum of only 2-5 minutes to wash your face and put on some moisturising cream. So “shut up” your laziness voice and just do it!
Your eyelashes will be weirdly shaped if you sleep with mascara on. Also, it can lead to dryness and they’ll fall off. Think about it!
Your skin is ageing every day and most of this happens while you’re asleep. Blocking the skin with makeup while you’re asleep will lead to lack of oxygen which is needed for your skin to go through its natural exfoliating process. Washing your face before bed will keep wrinkles away for longer.
So what do you say? After reading this entire list, do you still prefer going to bed with make up on?? Think carefully about that!
Xx and see you in the next post! 😉
Me chamo Marcéli Paulino, nascida em 16 de Julho de 1988, e sou bacharel em Tradução e Interpretação, curso que iniciei com 17 anos! Um pouco antes de me formar, já me interessava muito por moda e sabia que queria estudar e atuar na área. Então, assim que peguei meu diploma, foi o que fiz: procurei formações na área, que era meu sonho…