Fashion myths: the truth about matching purses and shoes

fashion | fashion tips | shoes | purses | accessories | fashion myths | styling | styling tips | about matching purses and shoes

Starting a new tag on my blog, today I am going to talk about a very common myth in the fashion world – which, by the way, is questioned until nowadays when we speak of  “how to use” something. I confess that I don’t like to turn concepts into stereotypes, but, some trends became old-fashioned and this is a fact. A good example is the “purse-and-shoe-matching”.


During sometime in the past people used to dress in some way that every piece of the look must to be combined – and this was the premise for a good looking. Women used to go to the seamster and ask for outfits and accessories made by the same fabric. Later, this trend of matching color and patterns changed to purses and shoes.

fashion | fashion tips | shoes | purses | accessories | fashion myths | styling | styling tips | about matching purses and shoes


I can’t say this trend is over, but, thanks to the fashion democracy we live nowadays, everything is allowed in terms of matching – or even if you don’t want to match anything in your look. The secret is to know how to do it (or not to do). There are some pretty ways to follow those trends and the main point is make your outfit more interesting.

fashion | fashion tips | shoes | purses | accessories | fashion myths | styling | styling tips | about matching purses and shoes

Every combination or non-combination is welcome: in both ways you need to know how to make it work. A little bit of practice and harmonic visual notion will help you. The main secret, I believe, is that every piece in your look has to “dialogue”.  You can match a small detail of some pattern to another detail in some accessory, for example.

If you want to test some unmatched outfit but you are afraid to, try to begin by the neutral colors. The chances for you to make it right are bigger, because neutrals, when matched, is always easier and beautiful.

fashion | fashion tips | shoes | purses | accessories | fashion myths | styling | styling tips | about matching purses and shoes

 Images Credits: Pinterest.

Moral of the story: nothing is forbidden in terms of fashion. The only difference between the old times and nowadays is that there is not rule (thank God!) for anything. You can use what you want the way you want. We are not obligated anymore. Lol.

 — READ MORE: 5 efficient ways to organize your closet —

Did you like the tips? Feel free to make suggestions about this new tag – “fashion myths” – or what do you want me to speak about in the next post.

Xx and see you!


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