There is a bigger doubt here: what should I do when the shoes and the panties are in different colors? Well, giving an example of brown shoes, I suggest you to wear the black panty hose in a thinner texture. After all, black is always black anyway and even if your shoes are in another color, it doesn’t make your outfit “polluted” visually, when matched with black panty-hoses.
To avoid this pollution, however, it’s nice if you try neutral colors in the pieces of your clothes. Or, in cases of colorful shoes, try a “total black” outfit, with the panty-hose also black. You can also try nude panty-hoses, in the tone of your skin, to match colorful shoes.
Using colorful panty-hoses – that are not black or nude – is an audacious attitude that demands a little bit of care when you’re matching pieces. Wool panties are easier for you to match with shoes in similar colors, in order not to ‘cut’ your silhouette visually, but those panties also make a match with black shoes.
Burgundy panty hoses, a color that is currently trendy, specially on winter, is also a great option and can be matched with black shoes. In order not to pollute your outfit visually, try neutral pieces of clothes, in terms of colors, or the black outfit, from top to toes. Also, try surtons, that are another such good idea of outfit.
Did you like those tips? I hope you enjoy it a lot!
Xx and see you
Me chamo Marcéli Paulino, nascida em 16 de Julho de 1988, e sou bacharel em Tradução e Interpretação, curso que iniciei com 17 anos! Um pouco antes de me formar, já me interessava muito por moda e sabia que queria estudar e atuar na área. Então, assim que peguei meu diploma, foi o que fiz: procurei formações na área, que era meu sonho…