Author: Marcéli

SPFWTRANS N42: the catwalks’ calendar for this edition

Check out the line-up of SPFWTRANS N42 that starts this Sunday!

How to valorize your legs through nice outfits

Nice styling tricks for you to valorize your legs.

Denim jacket: creative and stylish ways to wear

Several pretty and stylish ways to wear your denim jacket.

How to reuse your flannel checkered shirt

Fresh and practical ideas for mid-season outfits with the flannel checkered shirt.

D.I.Y.: Customizing an old fringe purse

fashion | fashion tips | DIY | D.I.Y. | purse | purses | purse with bottoms | fringe purse | customizing an old purse | cutomizing purses

Yesterday I’ve done some great organisation on my closet, which became a mess some months ago. As a consequence, I’ve released it from clothes I didn’t use and that was occupying space with no need at all there.

So in the middle of that mess, I’ve found a fringe purse, that I’ve bought at Floripa, and it was kind of old and mistreated. I thought about throwing it away, but my cousin, who was helping me, just said “why don’t you cut off those fringes and reuse the purse?”. Today, when I was looking at this purse, I thought about my cousin’s idea and I’ve had another one: why not transforming an ordinary purse in a trendy one? So that’s what I’ve done! Check it out the ‘step by step’ and the result, below.

fashion | fashion tips | DIY | D.I.Y. | purse | purses | purse with bottoms | fringe purse | customizing an old purse | cutomizing purses



  • An old purse with fringes or another detail you’ve got tired of or it’s mistreated;
  • A scissor;
  • Some bottoms (or patches, that are currently trendy, if you like).

fashion | fashion tips | DIY | D.I.Y. | purse | purses | purse with bottoms | fringe purse | customizing an old purse | cutomizing purses


1- Using the scissor, cut the sewing off, that stays below the chamois stripe that holds the fringes (that is how most of fringe purses are done). Then, pull the sewing out, now unattached, and keep doing it until all the chamois stripe gets free (the scissor can also help you with that, besides cutting).

fashion | fashion tips | DIY | D.I.Y. | purse | purses | purse with bottoms | fringe purse | customizing an old purse | cutomizing purses

fashion | fashion tips | DIY | D.I.Y. | purse | purses | purse with bottoms | fringe purse | customizing an old purse | cutomizing purses

2- Repeat the process in all the chamois stripes until you completely remove all of them (my purse had two). fashion | fashion tips | DIY | D.I.Y. | purse | purses | purse with bottoms | fringe purse | customizing an old purse | cutomizing pursesfashion | fashion tips | DIY | D.I.Y. | purse | purses | purse with bottoms | fringe purse | customizing an old purse | cutomizing purses

3- Once you removed all the stripes, give an extra care of the chamois, brushing it to remove all the sewing and line rests and get the material pretty – because now all the surface of the purse will appear. Then choose the applications you’re going to put on it.

fashion | fashion tips | DIY | D.I.Y. | purse | purses | purse with bottoms | fringe purse | customizing an old purse | cutomizing purses

4- I’ve chosen the bottoms! In this case, just apply them in the disposition of your preference. And it’s done!

fashion | fashion tips | DIY | D.I.Y. | purse | purses | purse with bottoms | fringe purse | customizing an old purse | cutomizing pursesfashion | fashion tips | DIY | D.I.Y. | purse | purses | purse with bottoms | fringe purse | customizing an old purse | cutomizing purses

It’s pretty good reuse something you already have, in a different way. Besides saving money, you exercize the creativity! Did you like those tips?

MORE: D.I.Y.: hanging clothes rail

I’ll see you in the next post. Xx! 😉

DIY: Hanging clothes rail

4 simple tips for you to have your own hanging clothes rail in this DIY post!

5 fashion trends from NYFW to inspire

A top 5 from the most trendy pieces most saw on NYFW.