“Find out how to achieve the perfect body”. “Tips to lose weigh in one week”. “Start this new diet to get the perfect body for the Summer”. You’ve probably saw titles like those in famous blogs/pages/websites all over the internet and television. And today I came specially to tell you why you shouldn’t give a damn about that – and why I’ve stopped believing on titles like that.
There is something simple and really special inside us that we forget to practice, most of times: is called love. When you love yourself you create your own opinion about what/who you are without caring about other one’s approvals. As a consequence, we automatically lose our interest in titles like those I’ve showed as examples, in the beginning of this post.
I know some of you, that read me, will think: “it’s easy for her to say, she is thin”. I’ll tell you something: is NOT easy. Because, most of time, in the past, I’ve cried and punished myself because I wish I was tall and skinny, as a model, something that I am not. I let people punish me too, with their opinions, telling me how many pounds I had to lose and how I should practice to “achieve the perfect body”. I’ve spent lots of moments hating myself in front of the mirror because I’ve won 1 or 2 pounds, something completely unnecessary. I was unhappy with myself, until I figured out that my body was beautiful and perfect the way it was. The way it is.
It’s not an easy task. But there is a way, that is the self acceptance and the self love. When I’ve found out these two things, after a long time, I’ve started simply ignoring beauty patterns. Because beauty exists when I look in the mirror – and not when media or someone says something. So if you feel the way I felt, it is time to change. Here, I’ll give you 10 reasons for you to left this self criticism behind and starting love your body the way it is.
Notice that I am not emphasizing arrogance or egocentricity here. What I am saying is that you must exercize self love and self esteem to survive in this cruel world that impose us beauty patterns all the time. I know what I’ve passed through and I know what friends of mine pass, too.
It’s time to end this self hating and start to look in the mirror more gently. Your body is ideal the way it is. Take care of it like this! Deal?
Xx and see you in the next post!
Me chamo Marcéli Paulino, nascida em 16 de Julho de 1988, e sou bacharel em Tradução e Interpretação, curso que iniciei com 17 anos! Um pouco antes de me formar, já me interessava muito por moda e sabia que queria estudar e atuar na área. Então, assim que peguei meu diploma, foi o que fiz: procurei formações na área, que era meu sonho…