Many practical ideas for you to organize your shoes right now!
Meet Residus Official, a sustainable fashion brand that allows you dressing elegant and consciousness.
All you need to know about the color of 2020.
We’ve listened about style all over our lives, when studying fashion. That fashion is nothing more than reflecting your personality through the way you dress. But don’t you think there is an easy way of staying faithful to your own style? Don’t you think there must be some ‘mistakes’, if we can call like that’, that sabotage who we are through our style, turning us non-authentic? Yes, there are.
And that’s what I am talking about in today’s post. Here I’ll tell you which are those mistakes and how to fix them, in order for you to have a better base about the subject and feeling more confident when choosing something to wear. Shall we?
First of all, is good to make it clear about something: fashion and style are not the same things. Fashion is everything the market offer to us as options for we to dress. This can happen because of the economy – most of times it is -, or based on trends we see on the streets, or because some stylist launched something that made everyone really intrigued and so on. The are several and much complex reasons.
Style is simply your decision of choosing what the market offers, according to your taste and personality. Speaking very generally, we can take fashion as an example of a pencil case with so many pencil colors on it. And style are the pencils you’ve chosen on this case for you to use.
For this reason I’ve explained above, fashion is easy to copy, but not style. Actually, in terms of fashion, this is what exactly happens when you see some outfit in a haute-couture catwalk and, later, you see a very similar outfit in department stores or fast fashion stores – for a much cheaper price. It happens, in certain way, a “copy” of outfits that became adapted to the majority’s taste and wallet.
Style is much more difficult for being copied because it is directly related to what we like and what we choose to represent our personality. So a t-shirt, for example, can be perfect on me and strange on you and vice-versa. It’s all about the complements you use with this t-shirt and, mainly, about your posture when using an outfit. Just in case you don’t know, you wear the outfit but it also wears you, you should know. Let’s talk about that right now!
You might think I’m mad, once clothes are not alive. They are really not alive until some point; but, if we stop to think, we make them alive when we dress them. Tell me something: have you ever heard someone saying something like “oh this dress is much better dressed on you than on me“?
It’s not about biotypes, or beauty patterns or even age. It’s about posture and identity to what you dress. When you’re sure about who you are and about your personality, you’re secure enough to show yourself to the world and, automatically, your personality and your outfit can “have a conversation”. So everyone look at you and can see through your appearance without you saying a word. The opposite also happens: when you dress something that has nothing to do with your personality, you might feel strange in front of people. It’s like, for an example, a heavy metal singer dressing a hippie outfit. Strange, don’t you think?
Still using my example about the heavy metal singer, obviously he could wear a hippie outfit if he likes – after all, he’s free to use what he wants, whenever he wants, when he wants, even if it looks strange.
But here is the point: this “strange look” might be caused when he looks to himself, if he doesn’t do that for his own. This is not exactly a mistake, but it might not be such a good idea in terms of style and authenticity. He might feel bad, with low self esteem because of that. There is nothing worse than feeling bad dressed, don’t you think?
So to explain all this theory in a practical way, here is an infographic talking about 4 fashion “mistakes” that can make you strange yourself in terms of style. And there, also, 4 solutions for you not to let this happen. Take a look!
If you think this information was nice for you, try to share it with your friends in order to help them, too in their own authenticity:
I hope you really enjoy those tips and use them to practice in your day by day, increasing your style. And if you’d like to buy dresses for women, Dresshead is the right place!
I’ll see you in the next post! A big kiss!!
Marcéli Paulino
The elegance of wearing vintage clothing is that you get the opportunity to wear a unique piece that has a heritage and a story. Today, it is undeniable that vintage clothes hold a very special place in the industry of fashion.
Some elements look incredibly stylish even now, years after they first became popular. Below are the tips on how you can channel your affection for vintage fashion without looking dated.
You may want to adapt authentic vintage fashion – a head to toe look or vintage inspired fashion – mixing vintage with everyday clothing. Next, you need to know your best assets and body shape and it will make a whole lot easier to style a vintage clothing. No matter what a fashion is all about, what looks good on one person may not necessarily look good on others.
Where to start? What you should buy? Familiarize and build a collection of vintage clothing. Perhaps with vintage denim shirt, printed silk shirt, leather pencil skirt, nicely worn leather jacket, cool vintage tee or a pretty floral dress. Wear a 1920s clothing piece that you know looks good on you. Let’s say you have a curvier figure so prefer to wear something long and flowy; you might have a small waist, be sure to choose pieces that highlight this.
Vintage elements are incorporated into daily dress up by a lot of modern designers and fashion influencers. If you can’t decide where to draw the line, study their style to get a fair idea of what works and what doesn’t. Alternatively, stay up to date with the latest trends through magazines and fashion websites or even in Pinterest.
It’s good to consider buying and wearing vintage clothing a lot more fun when you keep in mind what current styles, textures, colors and prints that are popular.
If you’re worried and don’t want to look like you stepped out from your grandmother’s closet because you want to wear vintage, a good principle is to style or mix and match the vintage elements with new contemporary pieces. From a simple belt that can update your look or give you more shape, to adding a bit of character to your handbag along with vintage scarf around its handle.
You may also like to give yourself a pair of vintage sunglasses for a new look. That being said, the simple tweaks that you can think of are limitless. There are so many of it that can be done to keep your whole look interesting and new.
If you think you’re ready to take on the idea of vintage clothing, then go for it! Seek out something that is unique and that reflects your personality. Regardless of what your lifestyle is, chances are there’s a vintage look equivalent for you. Search it online specially in Pinterest. If you find something that grabs you instantly and you see yourself wearing it, go ahead and add it to your pin board. There’s no definite right or wrong way to dress vintage clothes because there were so many fashion statements in every single decade. Even old magazines, just like fashion magazines today, suggests you dress by type.
Be sure to style your vintage with confidence! And be proud that you’ve chosen to wear unique and different as opposed to everyone else’s wearing. Feel good about your choice, and just keep on enjoying your life. When you wear vintage clothes, you’ll get the most admirations and compliments. That’s for sure!
Did you find those tips inspiring? See you in the next post!
Iva Aleksic – Collaborator Author
Finally the Autumn has come! And what do you think a great shopping-lover do when the weather start to change (after looking at her closet)? Go shopping!!! So for this mission, I’ve just made my wish-list.
This time I’ve chosen Zaful to update my closet with fashion products for nice price. Take a look at my list of products that I want for now!
4. Chocker necklace is one of my favorite accessories it doesn’t matter how the weather is. This piece is available on Zaful for just ONE dollar! How could I resist?
5. Well red is so trendy this season! To me is one of the most beautiful colors; besides, I’m a huge fan of collants and those sleeves makes it too stylish.
6. Boots: another passion for me. I don’t have any flat over-the-knee model, so here is my chance to have one.
7. Small and symetric purses are so delicate and practical. I always wanted a purse like that, in this exact color.
8. Leather jacket is a classic of the winter’s closet. Every year I need a new one, once I don’t buy real leather pieces – and the bad part of it is that they get old earlier. So here is my choice for this season.
9. Chess print is another classic for winter; the Vichy pattern has taken all the fashionsists’ hearts this time, so I couldn’t let go a dress in this pattern without buying it. Do you agree?
10. Bomber jacket: never had one, let’s change it!
So what you think of my Zaful wish list? If you’re not in a hurry on getting your products and you want to save money, I suggest you to shop on this website! You’re not gonna regret. Besides, I have a great news for you: DISCOUNT CUPONS CODE! YAY!
GentryDH1 >> for all order with over 26USD – save 4USD
Gentryahq >> for all order with over 40USD – save 6USD
Gentryqay >> for all order with over 50USD – save 7USD
Gentrysmy >> for all order with over 80USD – save 12USD
GentryDPH12 >> for all order with over 100USD – save 15USD
Note: Those cupon codes are 1 time limited – so each user can only use one of them each time!
Xx and see you in the next post!
Marcéli Paulino
One of the great expectations in the ending of the year for us who love fashion is to discover which color Pantone is going to chose as the one for the new year that’s coming. After Greenery, the grass green that represented, among other things, the respect and the care with forests and nature in general, this time is the turn of Ultraviolet.
I confess I have never overcomed the Rose Quartz since 2016 when it got chosen by Pantone as the color of the year – together with Serenity Blue -, but, I really liked Pantone’s chose for ultraviolet. It even matches the rose that I love!
MEANING: According to the Pantone’s website, the Ultraviolet means imagination, ingenuity, creativity and a greater world’s vision about a better future. Sounds interesting for you? We can say it’s pretty appropriate for the moment we’re living around the world. Do you agree??
OTHERS YEAR’S COLORS: Just for the record, coincidently the Pantone’s chosen in last years were, most of times, cold shades. In 2010 and 2011 they’ve chosen shades a little bit warmer, then came back to the cold ones from 2012.
So what about some inspiring ideas for you to dress the color of 2018?
Ultraviolet is really a highlighting color, which means it illuminates any other color that you choose to match with it, specially the neutral shades. A rocker outfit can hang this color very well, among bands prints and draws. A ladylike production also fits very well with the ultraviolet – you can try it with candy colors, for example!
But it’s ok if you don’t want to bet on outfits in this color. There are also the accessories that you can use it as a color point in the middle of your look. The ultraviolet brings modernity in a delicate way to your outfit, anytime of the day or night.
In the Beauty, ultraviolet means strong personality. Hair, eyes, lipstick and nails are exploding in style and authenticity in those lovely purple shades. It worths choosing the ultraviolet for the eyes, in a dramatic production; it worths matching it with black or brown; also, you can choose a lighter option for the eyes and apply an ultraviolet lipstick. Or even choosing the color for your hair and leave everything of the make up lighter and cleaner to balance.
In the game of colors, you choose your own matching! Take a look at some suggestions I’ve got on the Pantone website:
Did you like this post? Please leave a comment telling me what did you like about or what do you think it needs to be improved.
See you in the next fashion tip! Xx,
Get your summer closet prepared by getting inspired by Taylor Swift’s outfits!
A practical handbook for you to get inspired by the color of 2017!
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